As of lately, there have been several things happen in my life. I am now living with my parents until the end of march while I complete my first 3 month rotation, I am having to start making decisions on where I would like to get a job/where I would like to live, and I am having to remember that God has got all of this planned....I just have to be willing to follow. Such a scary thing to do sometimes.
I was talking to an amazing friend the other day and was telling her all about the decisions I was having to make and the fact that I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but how piece by piece God is showing me small puzzle pieces of my life, He is simply handing me joy! After I told her all of this, I said " I wish everything would just hurry up and be figured out....I am tired of waiting and not knowing what will happen with my life." To which her response was one of such simplicity but profound none the less. She said in that sweet wonderful voice, "It seems like God is trying to impress you and show you all that He can do.....why don't you just sit still in the place where you are and let God impress you with his wonderfulness and his love."
WOW! What a beautiful phrase!
When I began to think about her response, I thought to myself, "Why would God want to impress me?" Well why not? God knows all that is happening in my life and I honestly believe that He gets so excited before revealing another piece to the puzzle. We know that God loves to love us and bless us, why would he not want to impress us with the wonderfulness that he can give!
So here I stand humbly before you God, not knowing where my life will end up, but undoubtedly impressed by you!